Natural Gas Incentives

Tap Fee Discounts

Residential Tap Fee:  250/425 meter size: $700.00*

Appliance Reduction in Tap Fee Reduction Per Appliance
Gas Dryer Reduced 43%  $300.00
Gas Range Reduced 25% $175.00
Gas Logs Reduced 22% $150.00
Gas Water Heater Waived $700.00
Gas Furnace or Gas Pack Waived $700.00

*Reduction in Tap Fee may be cumulative up to the $700.00 standard gas tap fee.

Commercial Tap Fee: 250/425 meter size: $700.00*

Appliance Reduction in Tap Fee
Gas Water Heater Waived
Connected gas load of 40 cfh Waived

Appliance Rebates

Appliance Incentive Amount
Gas Water Heater $100.00
Gas Dryer $50.00
Gas Range $25.00



Financing is available for natural gas plumbing, installation and qualifying appliances with payments conveniently added to your utility bill! As a Hartselle Utilities Natural Gas customer, you may qualify for a low-interest loan to cover the cost of plumbing, installation, fees and qualifying natural gas appliances.

Hartselle Utilities will finance the loan for up to 120 months. The financing interest rate will be the current Wall Street Journal Prime Rate plus 2% with a minimum rate of 6%.

Contact Customer Service at (256) 773-3340 or email us at to see if you qualify.