How can we help you?

If you have questions about your monthly usage of utility services or concerns about your bill, you are welcome to call our office at (256) 773-3340 or e-mail Customer Service at You will receive an e-mail response directly from the Customer Service staff member working on your concern.  All emails are checked every business morning by 9:00am and again every afternoon by 2:00pm.  Please allow up to twenty four (24) hours for a reply to your billing inquiry.  Replies will not be sent on weekends or holidays where HU offices are closed.

Have an issue with your utility service that needs to be investigated, please e-mail Customer Service at  You will receive an e-mail response directly from the Customer Service staff member working on your issue.  All emails are checked every business morning by 9:00am and again every afternoon by 2:00pm.  Please allow up to forty-eight (48) hours for a response to a service issue.  Replies will not be sent on weekends or holidays where HU offices are closed.  This e-mail address is for service issues of a non-emergency nature. 

Smell Gas?  To report a possible gas leak, immediately dial 911 or you may also contact Hartselle Utilities at (256) 773-3340 during our regular business hours, or (256) 773-2533 or (256) 773-2588 after business hours.

No power?  Please report all electrical power outages to Hartselle Utilities at (256) 773-3340 during regular business hours, or (256) 773-2533 or (256) 773-2588 after business hours.

Reports of possible sewer over-flows or sewer back-ups can also be reported to Hartselle Utilities by calling (256) 773-3340 during business hours, or (256) 773-2533 or (256) 773-2588 after business hours.

For all inquiries regarding your sanitation services, including billing questions, to request new or replacement containers, or any other questions regarding sanitation, recycling or yard debris disposal in the City of Hartselle, please contact the City of Hartselle Public Works Department at (256) 773-2643 or click here to be directed to the Public Works website

This email is intended as a service for Hartselle Utilities Customers with questions regarding their bills or services.  For all inquires from vendors regarding your products or services, please contact the appropriate Staff Member through their email address on the “Contact Us” page, which can be found by clicking here.  Thank you!