TVA Complaint Resolution Services

Hartselle Utilities takes great pride in providing our customers in the City of Hartselle with affordable and reliable electric power services.  If you have any concerns regarding your service, a question about your bill, or any problems involving your account, please contact our Customer Service Department at (256) 773-3340 so that we may help to resolve your issue.  Our employees and General Manager all take effort in handling each customer’s concerns and complaints in a fair and impartial manner.  We understand that at times a customer may not be satisfied with the resolution of their complaint by Hartselle Utilities.

Hartselle Utilities is one the Tennessee Valley Authority’s 154 local power companies.  TVA provides regulatory oversight for Hartselle Utilities’ rates and service practices.  If you have an issue or complaint that you have not been able to resolve with Hartselle Utilities, TVA offers complaint resolution services which may be able to help.

There are three ways you may begin this process: