Rental Property Account Services

Transfer of Service by Telephone for Rental Properties

To request the option to transfer service for rental property by telephone, the property owner must submit the required agreement in person. 

Please click here to download a printable copy of this agreement. 

At the time the property owner completes the necessary agreement he/she will furnish all rental property addresses, designated person(s) who can make service requests on behalf of the property owner and a telephone number where he/she can be reached in case of questions or emergency.

Service fees will be accessed on the first utility bill, along with charges for any usage. Service fees are non-refundable and will be charged each time utility services are reestablished in the property owner’s name.  Service fees are charged at the prevailing rate as set by the Board of Directors.

Failure to pay temporary service fees, as billed, will result in the property owner losing the privilege to participate in the program and will require him/her to come to the office each time utility service is required.

No Rental Agreement?

If in the event a property owner doesn’t utilize a rental agreement with their tenant, Hartselle Utilities still requires confirmation of the property lease in writing from the property owner before we can allow initiation of new service in the tenant’s name.   

Please click here to download the required form to help in the process of setting up utility services at your rental property.