We understand that circumstances can arise which may require a change in the name of the account holder with Hartselle Utilities.
In cases of divorce, the individual who will be residing in the house will need to provide Hartselle Utilities with a copy of the divorce decree stating who will be residing in the house. The deposit carrier will need to come to HU in person and sign the deposits, over to the other spouse, and the non-deposit carrier will also need to HU in person to sign acceptance of the deposit. HU will then change the name on the account, and the person residing in the house will then be responsible for all future bills.
To help with this process:
Please click here to download a printable copy of the Name Change Authorization Letter.
In the event of the death of a spouse, the remaining spouse will need to furnish HU with a copy of the death certificate. Upon receipt of proper documentation HU will change the name of the account holder on the account. The surviving spouse will then be responsible for all future bills.
To help with this process:
Please click here to download a printable copy of the Transfer of Account Authorization Letter.
Hartselle Utilities recognizes that there are occasions when a utility account holder may pass away but the account for utility services remains in the decedent’s sole name with no party responsible for payment for utility services. Within sixty (60) days following the date of death of an account holder, a personal representative or administrator of the deceased account holder’s estate or a continuing resident of the premises will be required to come to HU to comply with our policies for change the name on the account, or to make application for utility services, or otherwise assume responsibility for the utilities services on the account. Failure to do so may result in the termination of utility services.
All other situations for name change on an account will require proper documentation and proper deposits.